ユージン・バードのインスタグラム(vududaddy) - 1月14日 05時52分

Something I wrote to my father on Father's Day. Still applies even more today: Hey Dad,
Felt like writing this open letter to you today. Feeling nostalgic. Feel like expressing something. So...here it goes:
A day doesn't go by where I don't wish to hear you tell me no when I ask to go somewhere and you end up saying yes. Where it was just you and me, up and down that Turnpike going from Philly to NY. Always us in that old brown Dodge 500 with the ceiling falling down around us running back and forth. I wish you were picking me up 2 hours before I was ready for my auditions still. Hearing you tell me to hurry up cuz "We got to beat that traffic." It used to annoy me to no end. I could never understand why. I just know...I miss it now. Those hours in the car with you. I took it for granted. I may be maturing as an actor now but I never had as much as fun as I did then.
As my life changes and grows, I wish you were here to witness it. Some days I don't understand death. Maybe because I don't subscribe to change but mostly it's when I wish to drive with you and you're not here.
So, one day when I do have a child, I hope to pick them up 2 hours early. Telling him/her to hurry cuz "We got to beat that traffic," which will annoy him/her, and drive him/her up and down some road...I hope it lasts forever.
Happy Birthday, Dad. Miss you everyday especially today. #birthday #fathers #dad #heart #family #firstboss


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