トローヤン・ベリサリオのインスタグラム(sleepinthegardn) - 1月14日 02時29分

I made my usual pilgrimage to the pond in Central Park. But rather than take the usual photograph. Of the usual things. The usual ducks under their usual bridge. I looked around for something new. And That was when I saw this bust, of a handsome man looking back at the ducks. He was Thomas Moore. The Irish poet. His face looked peaceful and though I had walked past him a hundred times or more in my young life. This was the first time I met his eyes. "Alone in crowds to wander on,
And feel that all the charm is gone
Which voices dear and eyes beloved
Shed round us once, where'er we roved -- This, this the doom must be
Of all who've loved, and loved to see
The few bright things they thought would stay
For ever near them, die away." -- Thomas Moore. Nice to meet you sir.


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