サム・リーのインスタグラム(becarefullee) - 1月6日 01時04分

Boomshack一歲啦! 為咗迎接我哋開幕一週年,我哋喺一月十四號夜晚七點於Boomshack開party慶祝,到時現場有DJ打碟,各款遊戲玩,有獎品派同所有飲品都有特別優惠! 約定您,十四號晚喺Boomshack見啦! // #boomshack1yr #boomshackhk #boomshackevents #boomshack

地址: 中環蘭桂坊和安里8-12號和安樓地下B號舖 we're turning 1 years old! to celebrate this milestone, we're throwing one of our renowned block parties from 7pm on Thursday, January 14th! from live DJ music, special deals on drinks, free food from 8-10pm, prize giveaways to continuous drinking games, its gonna be an action packed night for all! we'll see you all on the 14th! // #boomshack1yr #boomshackhk #boomshackevents #boomshack

address: Shop B, G/F, 8-12 Wo On Lane, Central

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