Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 1月4日 09時34分

Who's this pretty lady? Nicolita, my little Vampire. She's grown so much, her vision is perfect now and her hearing is way better so she chuffs back all the time. She is actually become a little crazy to be honest, she stalks, jumps and bites all day long. Nicole, just like Karmita, have been the 2 little Angels that I could enjoy the most because they were all day long on top of me. Only kissing me, unlike The Empress, she still gives one kiss followed by 3 bites :)
Mi Vampirita está creciendo. Ella, junto con Karma, han sido las 2 criaturitas que más he podido disfrutar pues ambas se la pasaban encima de mi. Nicole tiene un lugar muy especial en mi Corazón...
#babyNicoleBJWT #BabyJadeBJWT #SaveTigers #saveJaguars #SaveOurPlanet #behuman #NotPets #NoSonMascotas #blackjaguarwhitetiger #rescuedTigers #BoycottCircus #BoycottCircus #BoycottCircus #KarmisForever


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