Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 12月29日 00時10分

@feliciaecheverria one of the humans that I Love the most, posted this old video of Dolano about to pounce that annoying dog that @simoneboinay has. That dog was super annoying and the minute that I say in Spanish to Dolano jokingly that she should pounce on that dog, Dolano starts preparing for battle but The Mighty Chiquitin stopped her. Nothing would have happened to that dog, but everyone at the house hated her, specially Dolano, as you can see. Simone and Rachel couldn't believe how in tune my kids and I are. That's the beauty of not having thoughts, direct communication happens...
#dolano #themightyChiquitin #SaveLions #NotPets #NoSonMascotas #blackjaguarwhitetiger #rescuedLions #BJWTclassics


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