ゲームのインスタグラム(losangelesconfidential) - 12月28日 10時23分

"A Fathers Love"

I love this little girl in ways unknown to man. Have you ever loved someone so much you just couldn't find any words in the human language to describe it ? Is so then you can sort of relate to how she makes me feel. When I think about how much she means to me, I could truthfully shed tears. I wish that the love I have for my daughter could spread into the hearts of the dads out there who are absent from their daughters lives...... All children need their father, especially little girls.... As I look into my daughters eyes, I ask myself & men out there... Why wouldn't you want to be there for something so beautiful & innocent which you created..... My every waking day starts off with me thanking God for bestowing something so precious upon me. I'll never know or understand what I could have possibly done to deserve such a jewel in my life.... & since you are my baby girl, my heart, my sun, the very energy that gives me the drive & motivation to get up & keep striving for greatness day in & day out... I will be your father, your protector, your shield & your 1st love so that you know exactly how someone should treat, care for & love you later on in life.... You deserve the WORLD & it's my job to give you every piece of it that I can.... I am your FATHER & no matter where life's journeys lead you... Whenever you need me, I will be there..... Sincerely, Daddy.


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