ネイト・ロビンソンのインスタグラム(naterobinson) - 12月27日 06時37分

I'm definitely not perfect nor an angel , but the LORD shines his love on me regardless of the mistakes I've made in my life & he knows I've made a lot of em ... But I will continue to have faith in my LORD that he will walk with me as I try to be a better person/son/brother/father/friend/player/role model it's not the way you start your life but how you change some of the things that have distracted you from what GOD has planned for you!!! Never take life for granted enjoy every moment cause they go fast... Build happy and positive moments in your life and the not so Pleasant ones you will have to learn from them... So for the new year I would like to work on me .. I just wanna be better & do better in every area in my life and it's must I start by having the LORD step in and show me the way ... So please forgive me for all my sins LORD and any negative thing the devil place in my path I would love for you to help me as I face those negativities and Move forward in Jesus name Amen??


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