ラッシャッド・ジェニングスのインスタグラム(rashadjennings) - 12月25日 11時45分

One of the most popular theories about the origin of December 25th as Christmas is that it was borrowed from pagan celebrations. The Romans had their mid-winter Saturnalia festival in late December; barbarian peoples of northern and western Europe kept holidays at similar times. To top it off, in 274 AD, the Roman emperor Aurelian established a feast of the birth of Sol Invictus (the Unconquered Sun), on December 25. Christmas, the argument goes, is really a spin-off from these pagan solar festivals. According to this theory, early Christians deliberately chose these dates to encourage the spread of Christianity throughout the Roman world: If Christmas looked like a pagan holiday, more pagans would be open to both the holiday and the God whose birth it celebrated. Again, no one knows the exact date of Christ’s birth. Nevertheless, we take this time to recognize Him and His love for us all. So, enjoy CHRISTmas with your loved ones! #ShadHistoryHit #MerryChristmas ???


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