タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 12月23日 00時19分

I've been called "crazy" so much that I look at it as a confirmation that the new vision or project is something that I'm SUPPOSED to do!! I have so much confidence in these God sent significant visions and ideas...... I pitch and I pitch and I pitch and as one door closes I walk in another and land in significance....... Remember this! Every billionaire in this world first heard 'no' a million times before they got their first and most important YES!!!!........ And we never look back!!!!! The goal should be to never lose your excitement about your dreams and goals and vision on any level...... When they say no.... You should look at it as THEIR LOSS!!!!!! My name is proudly TYRESE "VISION IMPLEMENTOR" GIBSON - 2016 get ready I'm about to whoop your ass!!!!!!!!!!! Get ready for #VoltronEntertainment #VoltronChairman


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