ジェイド・サールウォールのインスタグラム(jadethirlwall) - 12月20日 09時08分

had a lovely day and evening watching The Book Of Mormon with @normabadwireal for her birthday ? what a woman! Whenever I see someone I haven't seen in a while the first thing they say is 'how's yer mam?' 'How's Norma?' 'Norma's a legend!' and I burst with pride and love her even more every time. We've been best friends since she was the cool secretary of my primary school who blagged me extra crispy cakes at school dinners and got me out of trouble or dressed up with me so I wouldn't feel as daft.

Now I can forgive her putting me in that outfit, I can forgive the big forehead I inherited as a child, I can even forgive her for wearing a black turtleneck under her tutu. But I will NEVER FORGIVE THOSE SHOES SHE PUT ME IN. #whatarethose
Happy Birthday Mam I love you ❤️


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