ニキ・ヴォリーズのインスタグラム(nikiwories) - 12月19日 07時49分

Yes, things change...
Sometimes you need a change, it does not always mean that what you had was bad it just means that what you had maybe wasn't the right thing for you anymore. Sometimes you need to be strong and leave your safe spot and start a new adventure somewhere else. Take a risk, who knows how or even if it will work, the most important thing about making the change is to dare, dare to change the usual to reach your goals. NO you're never sure about what will happen and YES maybe people will not always be happy with your decisions and will not understand, but to be honest... Sometimes you have to do what you think is best for yourself and no one else but you... This may sound selfish to others but everything happens for a reason whether you like it or not. Make your own decisions and be responsible for what it will give you or stay where you are and try to make everyone happy but yourself and literally stay where you are. I chose to move forward and whatever it will bring me it will make a change and yes maybe sometimes I will miss the old because I love so much about it, this time I choose for myself and no one but me will be able to change the decision, bye old I appreciate what you taught me and welcome new adventures, we will meet soon,
Yes, things change and I am, even though I will miss a lot, so happy with it all...


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