キャリー=アン・モスのインスタグラム(carrieannemoss) - 12月18日 02時59分

::Day7:: Yesterday we talked about service:: last night I hAd the opportunity to speak at the acting school I went to when I was 19 years old. The American academy of dramatic arts: I shared my stories and some of the gold I've learned along the way: I was of service last night but I received more than I gave :: if I can empower young people that true value lies within them :: to be grateful for their creativity ::: to be themselves :: to not look to Hollywood or others to define them:: to invest in their well being:: you get the picture:: did I mention that this beautiful group of young people joined me in a 1 minute meditation of ego eradicator !!!
Pretty amazing @gurusinghyogi - wish you could have been there :: #annapurnalivingroom #industryinsightseries


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