クラウディア・ジョーダンのインスタグラム(claudiajordan) - 12月18日 02時44分

Do you know how hard it is to run fast with good form in the sand??? You're met with so much resistance that you sometimes wanna give up. It hurts way more than running on grass, you feel like you're going to fall flat on your face and it's just so much more challenging. But... If you can power thru and make it thru these kinds of tough days... Then the other days don't seem as difficult. And these tough days get you so much closer to your goals- physically and mentally. This same way of thinking applies to life as well! There will be difficult days that hurt, that you may want to give up on and that drain you more than others- there are days you feel like you're falling flat on your face. BUT getting thru it despite all of that only makes you more of a beast! More of a warrior... More of a fighter and therefore more of a WINNER! There are lessons in almost anything you do... You just gotta pay attention. So today I encourage you to get out there and take life by the horns.... Whether it hurts or not! Victory is on that other side of a challenge! Go be great! ??


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