MLBのインスタグラム(mlb) - 12月5日 02時53分

#Repost @mstrooo6:

Even though our time together was limited, you took every opportunity to take me under your wing and teach me your ways. For that, I am forever thankful. Watching and critiquing my bullpens. Treating everyone with class and respect. Putting your teammates first. Showing up early, and staying late. Forming a bond with every single guy on the team. I could go on forever. Thank you @davidprice14. Thankful and lucky to have been your teammate and to call you a friend. You deserve every single penny. More than deserving. Going to miss you at the top step after every inning. With that being said, I can't wait to compete against you. Excited already thinking about it. Thank you for everything CHAMP. Looking forward to beating you every chance I get for many years to come! #TylenolPM


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