ジョシュ・ブローリンのインスタグラム(joshbrolin) - 12月3日 15時58分

@jtappis with @repostapp.
There have been 351 mass shootings in America over the past 345 days. That's over 1 senseless mass murder per day. 93% of Americans support mandatory background checks on weapons purchased at gun shows and online and yet today, anyone - no matter if they're a law abiding citizen or a 2 time felon - can buy a gun without any kind of background check. How is that possible? This isn't about personal freedom or the constitution, it's about common sense. What more has to happen before our representatives in Washington pass a law requiring background checks on all gun purchases in the US? And what are we going to do about the mental health system in America which is undoubtably the root cause of these killings? As the father of two young girls and a proud American, I am both terrified and ashamed. Prayers for the victims and their families are all well and good but God isn't going to fix this shit, we are. #SolvableProblem


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