ケリー・ゲイルのインスタグラム(kellygale) - 12月3日 06時15分

My dearest followers, first I'd like to thank you all for the great support and encouragement that you consistently give me. You are a warm and big source of inspiration for me. I feel truly blessed to be able to inspire some of you, by being myself and doing what I believe in. Staying healthy, vital and doing things that are fullfilling give me the most joy and happiness possible. Thank you for supporting that.
I'd just like to clarify something that seems to flourish on my pictures. Many people write as a fact, that I have undergone surgery- most frequently mentioned- a boob-job. This is not true. I have never undergone any plastic surgery on my body in any way. Like it or not, this is the way I look.
I choose to write this as I dont want to inspire young girls to ever feel a need to change their beautiful bodies. I don't, and will never, risk my health in order to please someone elses views of whats attractive or not. You shouldn't either!
To all you people out there, I hold no judgement on what you do or do not do to your bodies and lives. We are all perfectly imperfect. It is the imperfections that really makes the beauty in the world. Beauty lies not in your face or body, but in what you feel, think and how you act in your surroundings. Embrace what you have and be proud of yourself. You are good enough and dont ever let anyone make you feel otherwise.❤️


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