ケイト・ナッシュのインスタグラム(katenash) - 12月1日 06時39分

Hey! Stuff sucks!! But you don't have to. First of all THANK U to all who already donated, we reached a minimum target of $1000 over the wknd!!! I ? U ?. Let's not stop there pls. There are 60 million girls out of school who deserve an education. Simply put, they need ya. YOU. Cute silly ole you: If you can donate even one teeny tiny pound or a dollar to the @malalafund today as well as dropping bags of money online for Christmas & sales & Black Fridays, cyber Monday's, a beer, an ice cream, a pair of cute wedge heels... a girl in Nigeria, Pakistan & other places housing Syrian refugees will be oh so grateful. To cute silly ole YOU! ? I want all that fun stuff too but have ur cake & eat it too. Feel good about yourself & help someone else. The planet is crazy right now, we all gotta do good as much as we can. I love this charity, Malala is so amazing & strong. She was shot in the head 3 times by terrorists & is not afraid, she says her pen is her weapon, she does not hide, she stands up for all girls all over the world & uses her experience to do good! ?? She's what you call a modern day actual real life super hero. In the words of Weezer 'Thank God For Girls!' Let's be there for those less fortunate than us ? I'm excited about this journey I've started with a cause I believe in so much & a girl I respect with all my guts. ✨ You can donate via link in bio


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