レイチェル・ブレイセンのインスタグラム(yoga_girl) - 11月29日 08時10分

Haven't felt this free in a long time. Been working too hard, stressing a ton wanting to move forward with new projects and solidify existing ones and manage a million things at the same time. This has been an intense year and I find myself getting caught up in things that in the big scheme of life... Don't even matter that much. You might think I spend all day at the beach or on my yoga mat but that's far from the truth. Traveling 40+ weeks out of the year, running four businesses and two non-profits in three countries, working on my second book, opening a yoga studio (yes!), hosting retreats and teaching workshops, touring, managing social media, doing animal rescue work and all the while trying to stay present in my community is a lot to handle. All of it is manifested from a true place of wanting to do good, but it's an unbelievable amount of work and there are moments when I feel dizzy just thinking of it all. Cultivating balance is not easy and it's something I work on every day. Don't we all? Yoga helps. Dogs. Sunshine. When life feels like it's spinning too fast I move my attention back to these things, these constants.
Sometimes all you need is a few quiet hours out on the water together with your husband. Today I'm grateful for waves and wind and sunshine and absolutely nothing else. Thank you @dennisfromsalad for being everything I need.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




