ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 11月27日 17時08分

GRATITUDE- in my dreams since childhood, there were fields of flowers that I, in bliss, ran through. Free as a waving flag. I never knew this ecstatic joy as a tangible experience that I would be able to hold physically. Through a hug, a kiss, holding hands, shaking with laughter and marveling in the inexplicable moments- the ordinary moments, where we lie on the couch, dance in the kitchen after waaaay too much Chinese food, brushing teeth together, wiping tears, waiting for those 3 little dots (y'all feel me) in anticipation for the arrival of a simple exchange. In this waking life- every one of you has gifted me with your loving embrace, near or far. We have driven each other to endless happiness and madness. Grateful is almost rudimentary a word that describes what your Light has brought to me. I am forever thankful to you all in 2 parts as I suck at collages unless I have paper and a pair of scissors....


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



