ショーン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(shawnjohnson) - 11月25日 23時17分

If you haven't seen it already, @peoplemag and @yahoohealth both released stories recently about my struggles with an eating disorder. Since these stories have been released I've received countless "you're so courageous" messages and supportive words and don't get me wrong I love them BUT that's not at all why I decided to finally to share this story. I shared it because I became sickened by all of these comments people freely post bashing one another and pulling each other down. The VERY cause of my own struggles. My journey hasn't been an easy one like people tend to believe and it may never be. I'm ok with that. But I want all of you out there that have ever had doubts in your mind of your worth or fail to think you're good enough, know I'm right there with you. It's an uphill battle but it's conquerable. I'm also not going to sit here and say I've had a fairy tale ending but I'm getting better. I'm getting stronger and I'm am grateful for it. Please just remember... Words are hurtful and everyone is human and EVERYONE is affected whether they let it show or not. Everyone is fighting a battle of some sort. Love and have faith.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




