ダヴ・キャメロンのインスタグラム(dovecameron) - 11月23日 05時28分

You can't tell in this photo, but I was freaking out inside because THE Kristen Bell is standing next to me. And it was by her own free will! not from me stalking her, like I had always imagined it would be. (Jk) (kind of)
She is a major hero to women everywhere, including myself, and I cannot wrap my head around the fact that she was on our little show, talking about such an important issue, and that I got to do it with her. That's reason #1 to tune in.
Reason #2 is that @Disney Channel is doing us the great privilege and honor of covering a MAJORLY important subject that has many tiers, the main one being #genderequality, not just in the media, but everywhere. This is a fight that is still being fought. Just because we've made progress with equal rights for both sexes doesn't mean we've successfully and permanently shed a light and shifted the conversation. But it's opportunities like this that can help destroy gender stereotypes and even the playing field. Thank you, @Disney Channel, @herrdirektor, @johndbeck, @bsullenger, everyone involved in #livandmaddie and Kristen Bell for this episode, it was an honor to be apart of it.
Tune in tonight at 7:55 to an all new, and very special #livandmaddie #askhermore


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