instagoodのインスタグラム(instagood) - 11月18日 14時13分

@melissa_niu We as individuals (women especially) sometimes have a hard time seeing others happy or successful. I wrote this for my three girls hoping that they'll grow to be a light and radiant inspiration for others. Feel free to share, heaven knows we all need it. ❤️ "Each of us have a light
That burns just like a candle.
Happy hearts have burning flames
That might be hard to handle.
Others try to blow it out
To try to make their's brighter
Or spit on it with hurtful words
In hopes to make their's lighter.
But listen to the secret
It's a science you must know.
When you use yours to light others
It ignites your flame, it grows!
Fire from a flame
Will eventually burn out.
Unless it keeps igniting
It will die, I have no doubt.
Share your light with others
Let your goodness catch on fire.
Shake the darkness, stir it up
Rekindle flames that tire.
But keep in mind
When others shine
You will not lose your glow.
Admire other's flames
Without questioning your own."
(Photo of my oldest, shot at dusk via Nikon d300 50mm) #bealight #littlepeoplebigideas #instagoodmyphoto


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