マイケル・フランティのインスタグラム(michaelfranti) - 11月18日 07時56分

I'm just walking into the studio today. We've been working from 3pm until 8am everyday so it's nice to get a little sunshine! It's a very inspiring time and we've been working on songs with the idea that everyday each of us should not only hope and pray for peace, but most importantly be working for it. Peace doesn't just happen, it's the result of the daily efforts of millions of people doing millions of small deeds, in many different places especially those where it's needed most, working for justice, economic stability and equality for all. --- With that in mind, thank you to everyone who has supported the new Once A Day Rise Up EP and lives the message to‪ #‎riseupforpeace, #lovelife and ‪#‎chooselove! ‪#worldpeacenow#onceadayremix #onceaday


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