ジェレミー・アボットのインスタグラム(idreamofjeremy) - 11月15日 04時16分

Since I can remember this has been my favorite song. The words always tear through me and stay echoing in my ears.
Maybe in the world we live in it is a bit idealistic and naive, but I am certain of one thing. Fear and hate are two of the strongest emotions we can experience as humans and they dictate a lot of our actions, but love will always be stronger. When it comes to the heart of it we are all human. We are all the same. We are an infinitesimal speck in the greater universe all trying to understand our existence, and trying to give it meaning. I've never understood why we are so eager to separate ourselves as a whole instead of understanding we are all one in the same and uniting to sort through our seemingly random existence to make humanity's small time on this planet as smooth and beautiful as it can be.
Now you may say I am a dreamer, but I'm not the only one! In this time of human on human inflicted terror I am frightened for our safety and I am frightened for our species, but I still believe in love and right now I am sending all my love and all my energy around the world to France, to Lebanon, to Turkey, to Africa, and to everywhere else that has been affected in recent months by horrible and senseless acts of violence. #WeAreStrongerTogether #WeAreHuman #WeAreOne #WeAreLove


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



