ショーン・ジョンソンのインスタグラム(shawnjohnson) - 11月14日 08時58分

I'm sorry but I can't just let this one go. Every once in awhile I ask you guys to take part in #AskShawn with the understanding that I'm here to answer anything you want answered and it truly is a joy I take part in! HOWEVER.... It's SICKENS me when question after question after question I am asked by kids, boys, teenage girls, and even grown adults things like "My friends keep telling me I'm fat and ugly... what should I do?" Or "People make fun of me because I'm a dancer and I'm a boy what should I do?" or "Should I quit gymnastics because all of my teammates say I suck and shouldn't continue..." or "How do I handle people who make fun of me or put me down". I. AM. OVER. IT. To ALL of you out there that have these questions, feelings, and concerns I LOVE you and will forever do anything and everything I can to reassure you all that you are beautiful just the way you are and strong enough to get through anything! So please keep sharing and know I'll be here to offer any advice and help I can! Now, to those of you out there who are taking part in these malicious and disgraceful acts... I have no tolerance. So, to those people... How dare you.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




