のインスタグラム(happyyorkiefamily) - 11月13日 08時38分

Oliver ? Yummy yummy apple ?? get in my belly! ???? #eatingwithchopsticks ? ❤️
I want to thank my sweet friend @irish66angel for asking about my eyes today! My eyes have been red and sometimes with discharge for a while that's one of the reasons you see me with my eyes half closed a lot! (Because my age I am sleepy all the time too!) Mommy took me to the vet in AZ the steroid shot helped a lot but steroid shots are not good for the liver if used too often... The vet here in SD gave me meds and eye drops but they are not helping too much! Mommy is taking me to see an eye specialist tomorrow just to get a second opinion! Will you please say a little prayer for me that it's nothing serious?! ?? Mommy and I appreciate it with all our heart! ???❤️ BTW, mommy got blocked half way from replying to all your comments thanking you all for her birthday wishes! Thank you so much dear friends for making mommy's birthday extra special! ???❤️????


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