メアリー・モーサのインスタグラム(missmarymmouser) - 11月11日 11時46分

Let me tell you guys about my best friend. ☠?? This girl right here is my girl. I am so crazy lucky to have her in my life. She's my partner in crime, emo soul twin, fob-harmonizing-other-half and we never fail to have a blast together. From late night escapades in search of coffee to rocky horror picture show to orphan black marathons, we always make each other laugh. You've been there for all the ups and downs and I know you'll be there for the ride to come. We adventure through Disneyland and eat all the blue cupcakes we can find. You're no longer a teenager and I'm exactly 6 months behind you and you better wait for me to catch up before you start acting all grown up. I love you so so much and I can't wait to see what 20 brings you, because you deserve the best. Love, Mandy Patinkin. ?


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