トム・デロングのインスタグラム(tomdelonge) - 11月11日 07時51分

In the article that came out a while ago I described an event out in the desert. I woke up in the middle of the night hearing hundreds of voices around my tent, after a three hour meditation to try and get something interesting to show up in the sky. Yes, a strange night indeed. Go check my article out in paper magazine. A few blogs out there poked fun of it, because they're ignorant of the facts. Here I am reading a reprinted book from 1970, it is about the high strangeness of the UFO phenomenon. In it, a mother with her child see a strange light above her car as she is driving, She tries to get away but her car gets pulled over to the side of the road... forcefully. This is what she described as what happened next. Read below. Around Christmas I will be announcing a project that you have all been waiting for. A project that led me into something unbelievable, and something very serious. This is the project that everybody asked me to do... So guess what... I did it and it's ready. #VoicesInMyYeeed #ifuckingtoldyouso #icantwaittoshowyou


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