エリザベッタ・カナリスのインスタグラム(littlecrumb_) - 11月8日 11時33分

Yes All Hunting should be Banned. Hunters love to use the following argument: "Resources for all creatures is finite. Humans and deer (and other game animals) need room to live, but the room to roam and populate has it's limits. For example, deer populations need to be restricted by the available food limits of their respective habitats. Without hunting, the deer population would grow to the point of encroaching into human areas far worse than now, causing safety issues for humans and animals (many more vehicle/deer collision), and human crops being overrun by a deer population explosion; more deer require more food." The true facts are... what you will find for all those who say NO to this question, are a special interest group of Hunters, who like to call themselves "sportsmen" What is wrong with the lame argument above about needing to control population. 1) it is known, that these hunters actually "raise" deer to keep their hunting population going.. 2) if hunters completely left wildlife alone to their natural course. Nature would take care of itself. The environment would thrive, and animals would be balanced out based on each's predatory nature.
However hunters are a blood thirsty tight knit group.... unlikely to ever want to put down their guns and give up their hobby of "Killing" other living beings #banHunting


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