パンプキンのインスタグラム(pumpkintheraccoon) - 11月8日 04時18分

We need your help!

We always said that we wanted to use this platform to make sure we could help those in need if we ever had the opportunity to. Being an animal lover, as I am sure many of you are please take just a minute to read.

As many of you know we live in The Bahamas. Recently, Hurricane Joaquin reeked havoc on our southern islands and displaced many Bahamians, leaving them distraught and without the proper care needed.
One story in particular caught us and we wanted to share with you in hopes that you could help donate anything you could to their Go Fund Me page.
Please click the link below to read the full story of Manfred and his nearly 100+ rescued animals who have lost their home in San Salvador from the raging storms that passed over the island. He needs help rebuilding but can't do so without our help.

No donation is too small and we ask that you please share this post as well to encourage others to help those in need. Especially those selfless individuals who make it their life to help animals in need.

Thank you for any help you may provide and Pumpkin sends her kisses!

Click link in bio


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