のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 11月6日 17時21分

Quick toddler food tips: How to make salmon steak, salmon fillet and grilled salmon flakes in just 5 minutes!! When you buy really fresh fish, you can batch cook them and then freeze for later use!

1.You don't need to grill with any oil as salmon is naturally fatty!

2.Cut into 3 different kinds of sizes: steak size, fillet slices and random sizes for flakes.

3. Grill the flakes till it's fragrant and a little crispy, fillet a little brown on the surface and steak just cooked.

4.Salmon steak can be the main and paired with potatoes and vegetables.

5.Fillets can be added to almost anything like pasta and sautéed vegetables.

6.Flakes are my favorite and it's the perfect topping for rice and stuffing for onigiri!

7.Lastly, crispy salmon skin is a great snack for your pets too??? !

Share your toddler food cooking tips here too if you have any!

#batchcooking #toddlerfood #lunchforjunya


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