キキ・パーマーのインスタグラム(keke) - 11月4日 12時20分

Every moment you are in is preparation for the next moment. Everything you experience, "good" & "bad", is a tool for you to use in your journey of life. It's so important for us to look up from our phones sometimes & experience the totality of the moment & the reality we are experiencing. I love technology, but there is balance in everything. Imagine your head being in the clouds during your whole algebra class, what would you learn? When we check out of the moment for technology or our emotions or simply because we think there is a better moment ahead, it's like missing out on all the answers to our upcoming exam. Except this exam is what moves you into your EVOLUTION as a PERSON. How important is that to you? Very important to me! So I gotta look around, we all gotta look around so we can let life prepare us, everything has purpose.

BTS pt. 2: youtube.com/kekepalmer

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