leslie & dani & harriのインスタグラム(waitingontheworld) - 11月4日 09時27分

Picture by @jamesrelfdyer
Hey guys! So Harri had an idea that we should all start doing! It's going off an idea that @jjcommunity has? It's something called 321, and basically I want to encourage you all that everytime you tag a photo going through the tag and like 3 pictures, makes 2 comments, and follow at least 1 person. Honestly, just liking 1 picture would be good enough for me. I think we're all so obsessed with making our own accounts bigger that we've forgotten to just make a connection with other people and encourage their art too. Anyways just if you could go through the #ftwotw tag once a day and even your own feed and just start becoming a more active follower! It makes everyone happier :) So if you read all this I'll be checking out people that tag their friends in this post so do that lmao ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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