Dear fellows who are doing art related things, I wanna give a little sharing about my thoughts and from my little experience. - You may be really broke right now, like really broke... Same as me.. And you"re gonna be broke for like not only few years more, maybe over ten years ahead. Becos art is priceless, it also means that there's no fixed price range of your work either. So u gotta be broke af until one day you become recognizable . - even you r broke, rmb how rich your soul and spirit is now. Becos when ur doing for brands for money, it's not gonna be what u truly love. It maybe opposite of your will. Cherish your broke time with great soul, u shine the best right now. - love your family, becos if they support what u do , it's priceless. - stay strong with your crew of friends who are doing similar things. Help each other out but not step on others to climb upper. I believe having a strong crew of mates make your work even better and spirit even stronger. - accept your emotions. Only with emotions, art can survive. In this overwhelming world, especially in this commercial society I'm living in, doing art is broke. Not only broke but not recognizable. But that's all I can do in life, so I pushed away my bad emotions and stay happy while being broke. Happiness is your choice, and when u can choose what u want to do in life, ur so much luckier than a lot of people who cannot. (ignore my cheeky smile lol)

ruby9100mさん(@ruby9100m)が投稿した動画 -

Ruby Gloomのインスタグラム(ruby9100m) - 11月3日 19時48分

Dear fellows who are doing art related things, I wanna give a little sharing about my thoughts and from my little experience. - You may be really broke right now, like really broke... Same as me.. And you"re gonna be broke for like not only few years more, maybe over ten years ahead. Becos art is priceless, it also means that there's no fixed price range of your work either. So u gotta be broke af until one day you become recognizable .
- even you r broke, rmb how rich your soul and spirit is now. Becos when ur doing for brands for money, it's not gonna be what u truly love. It maybe opposite of your will. Cherish your broke time with great soul, u shine the best right now. - love your family, becos if they support what u do , it's priceless. - stay strong with your crew of friends who are doing similar things. Help each other out but not step on others to climb upper. I believe having a strong crew of mates make your work even better and spirit even stronger. - accept your emotions. Only with emotions, art can survive.
In this overwhelming world, especially in this commercial society I'm living in, doing art is broke. Not only broke but not recognizable. But that's all I can do in life, so I pushed away my bad emotions and stay happy while being broke. Happiness is your choice, and when u can choose what u want to do in life, ur so much luckier than a lot of people who cannot. (ignore my cheeky smile lol)


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