Today is not a blue Monday at all because of you guys❤️❤️❤️ thank u for coming? #晚餐#吃吃#星期一#leainleeds 以下是在我臉書po的英文版跟粉專的中文 天啊我怎麼那麼用心經營? 一堆字⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ /////// 今天邀請朋友來家裡吃飯? 是第二次煮肉燥飯喔! 這次多放了有點油脂的不知名部位豬肉比上次更好吃!而且有先炒過也比較香 也沒那麼乾??? 還炒了高麗菜跟煮了紅豆湯~都是我的第一次!? ❤️❤️❤️ 不過在我們看似平凡的料理下 卻有很多驚人的發現! 1/土耳其女生第一次在早餐以外的時候吃蛋! 2/紅豆湯對我兩個外國朋友來說都很怪!因為他們通常豆子都是吃鹹的!所以我一開始說是點心他們都不敢相信?然後之後來自委內瑞拉的Enderson覺得他無法接受~但土耳其女生Ezgi覺得雖然怪 但是她蠻喜歡的! 3/他們竟然都沒喝過奶茶!(我立馬泡了一杯?) 4/重點!他們都很愛我的肉燥飯??? 哈!以上就是今天的報告! 不知道大家對於這種貼文的看法是覺得有趣還是無聊~~我個人是覺得很新奇啦?但是如果讚明顯超少我會斟酌 可能就不發這類圖或內容??? ❤️❤️❤️ 其他今日相關的就是早起上課下課回家煮飯上課下課上課⋯然後整天的霧濛濛天氣⋯⋯⋯ 對了~我們還有聊到他們國家的政治之類的 相較之下我們真的很自由又很幸福❤️我愛台灣~~~大家早安~~~~~~ ///// 02/11/2015(British way) So happy to cook #Taiwanesefood for these babies? all of them like my "Braised pork rice"(#肉燥飯 )? and used the chopsticks like Taiwanese!( but personally I prefer to use spoon tho?) Hahaha and the dessert was "#RedBeansoup"which is definitely #DESSERT! I was so surprised that it's weird for #Turkish and #Venezuelan to eat beans in sweet way like a dessert! Hahaha Enderson doesn't like it tho, but Ezgi also think it's weird but she like it? besides, today is her first time to eat an egg at dinner instead of at breakfast! also it's her first time to drink milktea?so many first time! Ohhhh~ hope u guys enjoyed the dinner tho❤️❤️❤️

helloiamleaさん(@helloiamlea)が投稿した動画 -

郭圈圈のインスタグラム(helloiamlea) - 11月3日 07時21分

Today is not a blue Monday at all because of you guys❤️❤️❤️ thank u for coming?
這次多放了有點油脂的不知名部位豬肉比上次更好吃!而且有先炒過也比較香 也沒那麼乾???
2/紅豆湯對我兩個外國朋友來說都很怪!因為他們通常豆子都是吃鹹的!所以我一開始說是點心他們都不敢相信?然後之後來自委內瑞拉的Enderson覺得他無法接受~但土耳其女生Ezgi覺得雖然怪 但是她蠻喜歡的!
4/重點!他們都很愛我的肉燥飯??? 哈!以上就是今天的報告!
不知道大家對於這種貼文的看法是覺得有趣還是無聊~~我個人是覺得很新奇啦?但是如果讚明顯超少我會斟酌 可能就不發這類圖或內容??? ❤️❤️❤️
其他今日相關的就是早起上課下課回家煮飯上課下課上課⋯然後整天的霧濛濛天氣⋯⋯⋯ 對了~我們還有聊到他們國家的政治之類的 相較之下我們真的很自由又很幸福❤️我愛台灣~~~大家早安~~~~~~ /////
02/11/2015(British way)

So happy to cook #Taiwanesefood for these babies?
all of them like my "Braised pork rice"(#肉燥飯 )? and used the chopsticks like Taiwanese!( but personally I prefer to use spoon tho?)
Hahaha and the dessert was "#RedBeansoup"which is definitely #DESSERT! I was so surprised that it's weird for #Turkish and #Venezuelan to eat beans in sweet way like a dessert! Hahaha Enderson doesn't like it tho, but Ezgi also think it's weird but she like it? besides, today is her first time to eat an egg at dinner instead of at breakfast! also it's her first time to drink milktea?so many first time!

Ohhhh~ hope u guys enjoyed the dinner tho❤️❤️❤️


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