ロゼリン・サンチェスのインスタグラム(roselyn_sanchez) - 11月2日 01時36分

This is how my night ended... What a Halloween day... Uzo at the emergency vet, take Sebi trick or treat with her friends and I get a migraine, go to an extravagant and awesome sweet sixteen birthday/Halloween party with my ghetto maleficent costume and get really sick, tell my husband @エリック・ウィンター we have to leave... I'm super sick... Eric has to pull over twice while driving for me to throw up. Disgusting..... Then kept throwing up at the house, didn't sleep and now I'm sharing the story with you all. Que desastre.... Pero al final, Sebi la pasó divino y eso es lo que importa...


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




