ジェイミー・キングのインスタグラム(jaime_king) - 10月12日 13時26分

#happynationalcomingoutday! THANK YOU to my beautiful & brave sister Barry who came out in a place and during a time where people were being murdered for it. For having the courage to live in her truth & therefore, inspiring me to. Without you sister, I would not know the GREAT importance since I was very little, to embrace who you are, to love openly, to know that this world is not about what we own but what we experience and carry in our hearts. One day I hope to exemplify in fullness what you and Julie say (my new sister-in-law!!!) and to TRULY remember and inhabit the motto you both stand by "Life is for Living" Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for blessing our family with your unharnessed freedom and happiness. I love you.


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