ラリサ・ヨルダケのインスタグラム(larisa_iordache) - 10月11日 16時43分

Este foarte important atunci cand vrei sa ai ceva, sa iti implinesti un vis...lupti pentru acel vis, dar nu esti singur in acel joc... Ci ai o echipa langa tine!! Oamenii minunati care te sustin si au incredere in tine. O singura echipa un singur vis! Va iubesc ⭐️??❤️??? ####################
It is very important when you want to have something, you fight for , fulfill a dream ... the dream , but you are not alone in that game ... But you have a team near you !! Wonderful people who support you and trust you. One team one dream ! I love you ⭐️??❤️??? Ph. @giorgia_groppi ? #thank#you#so#much☺️?


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