DJキャレドのインスタグラム(djkhaled) - 10月11日 07時09分

Not because @リック・ロス is my brother and not because I'm blessed and grateful to be anr on a lot of his greatest works the zone Ross is in right now is incredible ! The album #blackmarket is special !! I was in studio wit him 2 days ago and drop him of some serious batch beats and ofcourse rozay pics special beats and he played his verses for me today I promise my hairs in my arms started standing up up (goose bumps) I remember hearing tears of joy and free mason for the first time well those recs gave me goose bumps.. This album is so important for the game ! This big boy rap this big boy bars this only happens from a rare breed .. Cut from a special cloth .. ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




