Stella Leeのインスタグラム(stellalee92) - 10月8日 13時10分

First time uploading my pic with bikini ? Taken when I was in Lombok last month. I have been using @dapurfit for 2 months and I finally get back in shape
In fact, my whole body is at its best shape and it's getting better everyday. This is why I dare to wear bikini and post it (although so small one, dunno how to pose in bikini without being slutty wtf lol), because what, I am finally happy with my body

If youre chubby and happy and can pull of bikini, thats good for you. However I like myself when I am not chubby. I like myself when I have muscle, toned, and fit. A body that I am not embarrassed to wear anything. A body that is acceptable in my standard to wear bikini ? -
I saw my pic 5 months ago and my arm were twice as big as now fml. Didnt realize I was that fat ? I relied on photoshop too much ? Now no need to!! Gonna do my best until I get my goal and gonna blog about it ?? Can I brag a little? LOOK AT MY FLAT TUMMY WTF, I LOST 5 CMs


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