TIME Magazineのインスタグラム(time) - 10月5日 06時13分

Some doctors are finding that many American women with #breastcancer are being massively overtreated.

TIME's new cover story profiles Desiree Basila who, diagnosed with breast cancer, decided to do nothing. Opting out of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, she is one of many women who are taking a chance on such speculations. "What I am doing is not foolproof," Basila says. "I know that. I also know life is finite and that death is unavoidable. For me it came down to the quality of the life I want to live. I don't want to be tired and bitchy if I can avoid it. And come what may, I think we really hurt ourselves by trying to just not be dead." Read the full story in this week's issue of TIME.

Photograph by Peter Hapak for TIME.


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