バウ・ワウのインスタグラム(shadmoss) - 10月4日 20時50分

As i sit here this morning i cant believe season 2 of @csicyber kicks off tonight on CBS at 10pm. Im very thankful and fortunate to STILL find ways to stay on my game and stay in front of yalls faces. I hear what they say "put some music out, your time is done yada yada not not knowing im ONLY 28 have 4 companies to run. Act/host/ etc... I'm here to stay! You mad cause i found the way? You made because i went hollywood? Switched my pitch up? I never thought coming on to the scene at 13 i'd still be here 15 years later. I never knew my path all i did was take on the challenges that God put in front of me. So after a great day of some NFL Football on CBS, keel it locked because CSI is taking over! Join me live tonight at 10pm for the series premiere. See yall on Twitter at 10pm i'm talking to the fans all show long. Ps. Ladies my shower scene .. Ok thats enough TUNE IN!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



