タニヤ・バーのインスタグラム(tanyaburr) - 9月25日 02時10分

Last week I asked you guys to help me with something I felt incredibly passionate about, to help me tell everyone about @TheGlobalGoals and how important they are. But I could never have dreamed how many people would get so involved. Together, we made such a loud noise, that it was heard by the UN itself. Two days ago I was asked to fly out to New York to speak at the UN about #TBGlobalGoals and what all of you are doing to make the #GlobalGoals famous. But we can’t stop now! We need to keep sharing the Global Goals, keep tweeting about them, Instagramming about them, posting #GlobalGoals selfies and doing anything and everything we can to TELL EVERYONE about why the Goals matter.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




