シェマー・ムーアのインスタグラム(shemarfmoore) - 9月22日 11時59分

Today was a rough day... A challenge... A test.. I was not at my best but I weathered the storm of emotions and I passed the test or at least am up for any challenge.. I believe in me and those who believe in me.. I want the best for good people.. That's who I am.. I will NOT be taken advantage of or taken for granted.. I pride myself on honoring the same code!! I f**k with people who f**k with me!!! I will not save anybody but I try to inspire and help... You can TRY to lead the horse to water, but you can't make it drink!! I work my ass off.. Judge me if you must.. But I am only paying attention to those that make me smile!! Please know in this life, EVERYTHING happens for a reason.. There is no good without the bad.. Dreams are ONLY possible if you stop making excuses and GO MAKE IT HAPPEN... By any means necessary!! When I look in the mirror, I am PROUD of what I see... PERIOD!!! Life knocks the wind out of you sometimes and sometimes down... GET UP... EVERY TIME!! And finish what you started.. With NO APOLOGIES!!! MUCH LOVE!! ??✌??❤️ SHEMAR FRANKLIN MOORE ?


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