タイリース・ギブソンのインスタグラム(tyrese) - 9月22日 07時58分

Life changing day..... 3 hour meeting in the room with literally one of my favorite people on human feet - literally - I am so emotionally overwhelmed I feel like I wanna go home and sleep for a well 1/2 I tried my best to keep my composure in the same room...... And not over talk - I'm so grateful that OUR new show has a home..... It feels like a homecoming - thank you angel heart @オプラ・ウィンフリー and your team at OWN for showing up for us - you guys have been amazing thus far!! I feel so much energy and passion it's unreal..... I just hung up with @ジョゼフ・シモンズ and told him..... We're about to FLY!!!!!!!! We no longer have to be curious of what PLUTO looks like.... Cause we're headed there FAST!!!!!!!! #OprahSelfieSwag get some!!!!! I wanna remind you ALL that God has revealed to me that THIS is the SEASON for GOOD PEOPLE TO WIN!!!! Stay encouraged God knows your heart it's OUR season!!!


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




