イアン・サマーホルダーのインスタグラム(iansomerhalder) - 9月18日 10時12分

Yes!!!!We did it!SEASON 2 of @yearsofliving is coming! I am so beyond proud to be a part of the show and the team who make it happen. Please pass this post around, it's so important. It is, as James Cameron put it, the important story of our time. No other civilization in the history of humankind has ever had such a problem like climate change. Let's be real with each other for second:Climate change is not about saving polar bears- it's about saving our own asses. Nature does not need us-we need it. Let's protect the precious nature that we have RIGHN OW and let's teach our children to guide us into the future so that we may thrive sustainably and holistically. @ナショナルジオグラフィック you are truly one of the most phenomenal organizations ever known-I'm so proud to be working with you.
Thank you!!!!!!!!!


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