エミリア・クラークのインスタグラム(emilia_clarke) - 9月17日 00時00分

I was followed into a party by a journalist who asked me a question about female empowerment and then quoted me entirely out of context for an outlet I didn’t agree to speak with.
So I feel now, with the beauty of Instagram I should clarify my statements, if for nothing else than for posterity.
In drama, if a nude scene forwards a story or is shot in a way that adds insight into characters, I’m perfectly fine with it. Sometimes explicit scenes are required and make sense for the characters/story, as they do in Westeros.
If it’s gratuitous for gratuitous sake, then I will discuss with a director on how to make it more subtle. In either case, like a good Mother of Dragons, I’m always in control. #dracarys


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