ナターシャ・ヘイスティングスのインスタグラム(natashahastings) - 9月14日 23時05分

Good Monday morning loves! The 2015 season is now behind me! It was one filled with lots of ups and lots of downs, but this journey has been the most personal experience I've ever had with my first love! I could be down about the way my season ended as it certainly wasn't what I hoped for, but it was still an awesome year in many ways! Instead I'm grateful for the lessons learned and more importantly the personal growth I experienced this year. You guys watch us compete week after week and have no idea of the personal struggles we face day to day! I find great comfort in knowing through it all, I have an awesome support system and God with me at all times! I know there are no mistakes and God has me just where I'm supposed to be! With that I say thank you and continue the fight! You haven't seen the last of me yet! On to Rio!! Bye bye 2015 season! Happy Monday loves! ❤️??? #HappinesIsAChoice #MondayMotivation #UARun #UAWomen #IWill #EraseAllDoubt #IWillWhatIWant #RoadToRio


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