Kevin Richardson LionWhisperer のインスタグラム(lionwhisperersa) - 9月12日 12時37分

What started out as a day moving animals to different habitats quickly became a day of fighting veld fires. Fire started at around 09:30 apparently because of someone burning rubbish in the conservancy on the next door farm (not a good time of year to burn as its the end of the dry season). It quickly got out of control due to the wind and perfect fire conditions yesterday. Spread onto #Welgedacht and continued to consume the land. Got it under control at 18:30. Much of wilderness burnt. No buildings or lives lost. Larger animals seemed to avoid fire successfully. Obviously some of the smaller ones won't be as lucky. Thanks to all those who worked tirelessly with no food and little water the whole day! #teamwork #veldfires


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