Carli Bybelのインスタグラム(carlibel) - 9月9日 04時50分

New Fall Makeup tutorial went up this morning!! ??? #CarliBybelPalette
What a crazy day so far!!! I am SO sorry to everyone who had trouble all morning! I 100% feel your pain. This was out of my control and they really thought they were prepared! Thank you everyone for being so patient and understanding!!! I love you guys SO friggin much!! Can you believe we broke the site?!??? *OMG WE JUST SOLD OUT OF THE 2nd PREORDER BATCH. Will update as soon as he answers about when next preorder will be available! PRICE IS STAYING AT $12.50! It will be back SOON! Preorder date coming tomorrow! Sleep peacefully knowing there are no new updates until tomorrow! Love you guys


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する





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